Monday, April 8, 2013

How to win the brushing war with your children

As parents, we will have battles to pick and choose from with our children. Shoes or no shoes. TV or no TV. 9:00 curfew or 11:00 curfew. Unfortunately we can't win all battles with our children but the one battle that we must win is caring for our children's teeth.

If getting your child to brush his or her teeth is a nightly struggle, here are some tips that may help make this a bonding experience instead of a "screaming in your head" experience.

  1. Start them while they are young. Before they even have any teeth even. Seems weird when they don't have any teeth to clean but even babies gums can collect bacteria. Simply wipe their gums clean with a wash cloth, or purchase a baby finger tooth brush that you place on your finger and run across their gums.
  2. Bring in the big guns - Disney, Pixar, or Nick Jr. Take your child to the store and let them pick out a tooth brush with a character that gets your child excited and really build up the hype. Lots of "Ooo-ing and Awh-ing!"
  3. There are even kid electric tooth brushes out there that play music when your child is brushing with it. This could be a big help, especially if that song is your children's favorite song. 
  4. Have your child watch a cartoon about brushing and taking care of their teeth. My little girl loves the show Bubble Guppies and I have found an episode on keeping your teeth clean. It's a fun way for your kids to learn. Sit down and watch it with them so you can talk about it with them.
  5. If you don't really want your kids watching TV, there are plenty of books out there. Take your child to the library and find some. Have them pick out a couple they would like to read. 
Overall, just try to make it fun for them. The more fun it is for them, the less of a battle this will be between you and your children.